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Chola Blinking Eye Dress by Designer Raquel Cueto 2019

This dress designed by Raquel Cueto is made of lenticular prints. A lenticular print is the idea of two images being combined onto a single print surface to create the illusion that the image is moving as it shifts from side to side. This dress was the main inspiration for my business start-up. I originally wanted to recreate the dress for fun and then realized its potential as a business. I have never seen anything like this and wanted to take it into my own hands to create my own unique versions. My first collection inspired by this dress is called the Emotions Collection. I have two images of women where one is black and white and one is mainly warm tones with the figure crying. The black and white image represents the glamourous unemotional side of the women whereas the red image shows the women's reality and true emotion. In the future, I plan on making these items of clothing customizable to individual sizes and custom image selections. 

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